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The FaithBlazer Challenge

Bringing Back Expressions of Faith to the Public Square

The FaithBlazer Challenge

Bringing Back Expressions of Faith to the Public Square

In God We Trust Challenge Recap

Thank you to all who participated in the “In God We Trust” FaithBlazer Challenge!

We had over 90 people from across the country sign up as FaithBlazers and commit to being a change agent in their community to get In God We Trust displays put up. 

A Faithblazer in Idaho ordered over 50 signs to get displayed in their community. Other FaithBlazers wrote to tell us they are doing similar things in Michigan, Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri and Kansas!

There is so much momentum behind bringing a God-consciousness back to our country and communities and we’re just getting started!

Even though the month is over, the work to put up In God We Trust displays can certainly continue! Did you know there is legislation already in place in 18 states that allows the National Motto to be displayed in public places? And there are currently bills in 10 states working their way through the legislative process that would create even more opportunities for restoring faith.

If you are curious about what is going on in your state, please reach out to us at and we will share what is happening in your state and help you create a plan to restore faith in your community!

So, invite your friends and family to become a FaithBlazer and connect with us at And please pray that God continues to open doors for even more opportunities!

Be Inspired by FaithBlazer Stories

Please continue in this challenge all year long! 

  • Like and share our FaithBlazer posts.
  • Share your stories and pictures of how you made an impact in your community on your social media or send them to us via email at
  • Use the following hashtags so we can find your posts: #InGodWeTrust, #RestoringFaithInAmerica, #RFIA, and #FaithBlazer

Our “In God We Trust” Partners

Be sure to check out our “In God We Trust” partner websites for some great information about putting up National Motto displays.

All Americans have an opportunity to restore faith in America. However, different restoration methods and initiatives for historical displays, such as Ten Commandments displays, and various faith building activities will have greater success in different communities.