Georgia Ten Commandments Project
Calling all Georgia Patriots and FaithBlazers
Georgia Ten Commandments Project
Foundations of American Law and Government
In Georgia, lawmakers passed a statute allowing nine historical documents including the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public buildings. In response, an organization called Ten Commandments Georgia was established to support efforts in getting those displays put up in all 159 counties in Georgia. So far, they have placed the documents in 59 of those counties. First Liberty and Patriot Academy have offered to partner with Ten Commandments Georgia to finish the work they started as well as get the documents placed in the public schools in Georgia.
Questions and Answers
Why is this significant?
For over 50 years there were concerted efforts to take God out of the public square. This has resulted in lawsuits all over the country taking down displays and monuments from public spaces. Now, we’re able to turn the tide back to what our Founders intended. In a 2022 Supreme Court decision, Kennedy v. Bremerton, did away with the faulty “Lemon Test” that was being used to harm religious liberty across the country. The court ruled that the history and traditions of our country is what is important, not an arbitrary and subjective test.
This was a HUGE win for religious liberty and public expressions of faith and bolsters laws like in Georgia. Now, we can help bring God back to the public square to help heal our nation. Our children and citizens can be educated on the truth about our Christian heritage.
What is the goal of the initiative?
In 2025, we want to complete the installation of the 9 documents that are part of the Foundations of American Law and Government display in at least one location in all 159 counties across Georgia. We then want to place them in public school buildings in Georgia as the law allows.
What are we asking you to do?
We want you to become the “boots on the ground” in order to make this a success and create a blueprint that we can use in other states across the nation.
You’ll commit to working with local officials for support in putting the displays up and then continuing to educate the community using the Biblical citizenship and Constitution Alive courses as to the importance of what they mean. The time commitment will vary based on who the decision makers are in each county and who you might know that has influence. We can help provide the resources you need to be successful.
What counties have already been completed?
The map on the right shows in blue all the counties that have a display already in at least one location (county courthouse or city hall). It also shows in orange the counties that are actively being worked on. Any county in grey is up for grabs and needs someone assigned to it.
How do I sign up?
In order to sign up to help, please fill out this form below and someone will reach out to you to get you started. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions.
How You Can Help
Georgia County Map
Click here to see the status of each county to know which you can help restore.
Blue – Counties Finished
Orange – Counties In Process
Grey – Counties Not Yet Assigned

Foundations of American Law and Government
In Georgia, lawmakers passed a statute allowing nine historical documents including the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public buildings. In response, an organization called Ten Commandments Georgia was established to support efforts in getting those displays put up in all 159 counties in Georgia. So far, they have placed the documents in 59 of those counties. First Liberty and Patriot Academy have offered to partner with Ten Commandments Georgia to finish the work they started as well as get the documents placed in the public schools in Georgia.
Questions and Answers
Why is this significant?
For over 50 years there were concerted efforts to take God out of the public square. This has resulted in lawsuits all over the country taking down displays and monuments from public spaces. Now, we’re able to turn the tide back to what our Founders intended. In a 2022 Supreme Court decision, Kennedy v. Bremerton, did away with the faulty “Lemon Test” that was being used to harm religious liberty across the country. The court ruled that the history and traditions of our country is what is important, not an arbitrary and subjective test.
This was a HUGE win for religious liberty and public expressions of faith and bolsters laws like in Georgia. Now, we can help bring God back to the public square to help heal our nation. Our children and citizens can be educated on the truth about our Christian heritage.
What is the goal of the initiative?
In 2025, we want to complete the installation of the 9 documents that are part of the Foundations of American Law and Government display in at least one location in all 159 counties across Georgia. We then want to place them in public school buildings in Georgia as the law allows.
What are we asking you to do?
We want you to become the “boots on the ground” in order to make this a success and create a blueprint that we can use in other states across the nation.
You’ll commit to working with local officials for support in putting the displays up and then continuing to educate the community using the Biblical citizenship and Constitution Alive courses as to the importance of what they mean. The time commitment will vary based on who the decision makers are in each county and who you might know that has influence. We can help provide the resources you need to be successful.
What counties have already been completed?
The map on the right shows in blue all the counties that have a display already in at least one location (county courthouse or city hall). It also shows in orange the counties that are actively being worked on. Any county in grey is up for grabs and needs someone assigned to it.
How do I sign up?
In order to sign up to help, please fill out this form below and someone will reach out to you to get you started. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions.
Georgia County Map
Click here to see the status of each county to know which you can help restore.
Blue – Counties Finished
Orange – Counties In Process
Grey – Counties Not Covered